Saturday, July 6, 2013


photo: ralph murre

(For Holly Kallie)
by Cristina M.R. Norcross

What if my purpose is
nothing more than just to float?
How noble –
how pure –
to simply lie on the surface
of the water,
while the sun chases itself
in golden, oval puddles of light –
while I watch the leaves on trees
clap their tiny hands.

The grand hikes of persistence –
the first flicker
of creative motive burns
inside a fiery belly.
I am always hungry.
The taste of paper lingers
on my lips,
as I open and close my mouth
like a curious fish.

I will build a sculpture
each day.
Then tear it down
and start again.
An invisible monument will remain
after I am gone.
Only those with vision
will truly know its shape.
They share my purpose –
to just float.

~ previously published in The Lava Storyteller
  (Red Mare Press)